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Murder Mystery Dinner Party Fundraiser

Sat, Mar 23


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It’s all going down at The Karma Club, a hippy commune near Woodstock at a far-out send-off for the outa-sight rock band, Marmalade Skies.

Murder Mystery Dinner Party Fundraiser
Murder Mystery Dinner Party Fundraiser

Time & Location

Mar 23, 2024, 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Click for Details

About the event

Once you are registered, you will receive an email confirmation with the address of the party, your character name and description, and other info. It’s all going down at The Karma Club, a hippy commune near Woodstock at a far-out send-off for the outa-sight rock band, Marmalade Skies. Dig it at this last jam. But tonight’s scene will have some freaky bad vibes. Someone will be murdered – bummer! In addition to finding the murderer, there are some other freaked-out head-trips to blow your mind, like the future of the commune, a bank robbery, and the band’s missing master tapes with their choice licks. Tune in at this scene and try to mind-game the others to smoke-out their secrets and find the murderer in your midst. Get funky with your hippie threads -- bellbottom/hiphugger pants, love beads, mini-skirts, platform shoes, bandanas, body paint, tie-dyed and paisley shirts . . . AND HAVE A BLAST DURING THIS GROOVY NIGHT AT THE KARMA CLUB COMMUNE! Prizes for best costume, best character portrayal, and for solving the murder.

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